With a 100-billion-dollar industry in the US for low back pain (alone) sufferers are struggling to find relief. In this case relief spells quality of life; it means moving without pain and doing what you love. Surgical intervention has proven a success rate (at best) of 38% leaving most living on opioids gasping for a life once lived.
“At an American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons conference in 2010, 100 surgeons were asked whether they would have surgery on their spine for nonspecific low back pain. “The answer – from all but one – was ‘absolutely not’.” Spinal fusion surgery, which is sometimes recommended when disc degeneration is identified on an MRI, is a procedure in which the offending disc is cut out and the surrounding vertebrae are re-connected, either with bone graft or with titanium screws and plates.”
Crooked by Cathryn Jakobson Ramin
A staggering response from the experts; it leaves us listless and frustrated in a quest for a cure. Anything to alleviate your aching back, pillows, inversion tables, needles, pain meds, heat packs, stretching, lack of sleep. The saga of not moving well, stiffness, loss of freedom, tightness, tingling, radiating, numbness and on and on…
Losing your ability to move well is life-altering and a quality of life thief. Back pain is not only a crisis it’s an epidemic globally. Is it the chair, the car, the computer, are we to sedentary…? Do we not move enough? Walk enough? Stand enough? Laugh enough? Are we under too much stress?
These are great questions but how do we find the answer? Think about this for just a moment. Remember the old saying… “What you don’t use you lose.” In all the years I have worked with spinal joints this is a key factor in cracking the back pain code.
Newton’s first law of motion – sometimes referred to as the law of inertia. An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion.
Spinal function is no different than the laws of physics. The function is movement—motion; when we move our joints like it, they are happy. Happy joints are pain free. Keeping them happy we should move as much we can. As you know many humans cannot move for 8 to 12 hours a day because their jobs won’t allow it. Truck drivers, pilots, musicians, receptionists, programmers, policeman…
This is where your chiropractor comes in handy. We manually move a joint that is no longer (happy) because it is as Newton said (at rest). And yes! You got it! What is at rest: stays at rest according to Mr. Newton. The trick is finding the vertebrae in your spine at rest and getting it moving again. Because what is in motion… yadda-yadda-yadda—I know you got it.
Simple: chiropractic moves joints no longer in motion so the spine functions properly again. And the only function a joint has: movement!!! Additionally—this relieves possible nerve pressure and increases flow from the brain down the spinal column and back again. A more adjusted YOU or a better functioning YOU… The choice is always yours: we at the chiropractic space are here to help you keep moving well.