Why in the world do we put up with so many things in our lives…? Make a list of the things you tolerate. If you’re like most it will surprise you. Changing the light bulb in the laundry room after 3 months. Sweeping the garage out after noticing every night when you pull the car in the leaves and debris circling the corners.
The pain in your neck and shoulders; if it would just go away… this low back thing just won’t give me a break…? And I just don’t have the time to get it fixed. If I get another one of these blinding headaches… on and on the things we tolerate. Life is busy. Especially if your raising kids or working around the clock, job, family, exercise, nutrition, meditation, a time out for you.
What time Right!!!???
We are plugged into a crazy system of go, go, go, then go some more. Be this, and finish that, faster, more efficiently and balance a life, your life, your children’s lives and everything in between. And we wonder why we melt down and it all goes to sh*#…
It comes down to choices and making them happen, only you can. A simple time out at the beach for 15-minutes. A 20-minute walk without your phone. Turn the music off while driving. Finally changing the bulb and sweeping the garage. Booking an appointment because you need to move well and the back pain is affecting your relationships and work.
Putting a little quality back into the things you love, starting with YOU… then watching what happens. Start checking these tolerations off your list and watch them flitter away. Your worth it, you need solitude, you need to move well, you like clean floors and lights.
Life is difficult when we are pain free adding pain makes life unbearable and unfair. Your loved ones like you pain free (trust me). Remember it only takes a few minutes to restore a little quality. And you know you deserve it…